Got Mice?

 Rodents are a common seasonal pest problem for many homeowners, and are well adapted for their secretive lifestyle. Rodents have excellent senses of touch and smell which aid them in their exploration for food. They also possess superb hearing which aids them in avoiding predators, that with their sight which is adapted for night activity often allow them to live inside structures going unnoticed for some time. Most rodent activity is usually only discovered by homeowners when they hear scratching in the walls or finding some droppings when cleaning up around the house. This usually happens in the fall when cooling temperatures encourage mice to move into structures in larger numbers seeking warmth.

Rat Treatments.

rat treatment rodent control pest poison

Rats are a huge sanitation and health risk when they get in your home or business. So let us help you keep them off your property all together. No matter what size of the population, let us execute a rodent control program to keep their numbers under control. Our rodent programs are second to none, we will give your property the protection needed to ensure they are under control.

Mice Treatments.


Do you have little mice running around keeping you on edge? Let us take care of them, with our safe programs. No matter the size of your home we can get them under control with our customizable services. We will conduct a full inspection of your home, find what the mice are exploiting, seal up entry points, make detailed recommendations and deploy the right amount of control devices to ensure a successful service and give you peace of mind.

Mice in Attic, noise in attic

Does your attic look like this?

Almost all attics we entre have some evidence of mice trails weaving through the insulation. This is a common area for rodents to live undetected in the home. So take a look or give us a call and we will do it for you!

Gnawing on wires is a high concern when rodents entre your home. They can cause electrical fires, shortages and interruptions in the service lines running throughout the house.

All Rodent Control programs are customizable based on the size and type of population, the customers desired expectations and the current state of the property being worked on. No matter what, we have the solutions and will provide The Best Service, Period.

 Fact: Female mice have the ability of producing six to ten litters in a year, with an average of 6 mice per litter that can account for 36 to 60 offspring in just one year. That’s a lot of mice!

With our treatments we can stop the them in their tracks!


 Call us today for a FREE Quote!